The Day I Changed
Warda Sada, Women Wage Peace
I always enjoyed cactus fruits, figs, and olives that my grandmother, Warde, brought home. I remember her holding a handful of soil of her land telling me it contains all life’s secrets.
That day changed my life. I learned new expressions: discrimination, oppression, second-class citizen. In school, I expressed this through poetry, but the principal asked me to stop if I intended to continue my studies further. I hid my poems until I graduated as a teacher.
I understood that part of my activism went through education, by bringing critical thinking, rational thought, and leadership qualities to my students. Life has many routes and sometimes it feels like we’re going around in circles. But my grandma taught me to persist and to stand up for what’s right.
One day growing up I heard commotion in the village center. Six young men had been killed demonstrating against the confiscation of Arab lands. As a teenager, standing in the midst of mourners and protesters for the first time, I was overwhelmed by shock, sadness and anger. But this was also a wake-up moment. I remember asking myself “why?” and wondering what my grandma would have done to defend her beloved land.
I strongly believe women can bring change in our societies. Through Women Wage Peace and other civil society initiatives, I invite women to share their experiences and to learn new ways to explore common ground. We will eventually write new narratives together and discover the beautiful secrets that the land holds for us all.
Dr. Warda Sada, Educator for 36 years for Arab and Jewish students, researcher in administrative education and leadership, social, political and peace activist, women empowerment, a member in many different organizations: Women Wage Peace, Standing Together and more.
A mother for three students.